and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. . . .
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.......when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. Genesis 6:5, 11–12/1 Peter 3:20
I. Opposition to the FLOOD
II. Noah's Dove & the 3 Advents (microcosm of the Great Controversy)
VI. Pre- Flood Population
VII. The "Great Dying" & Mercury
VIII. Flood Evidence Everywhere (4 Basics)
IX. Bay of Fundy
X. Pink Diamonds & the Scar of the Flood
XI. Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis = Noah's FLOOD?
XII. Hadean Period: Global Flood Era?
XIII. A Very Strong Wind (yes it was)
XIV. Abundant Evidences
XV. Global Flood Waters Discovered?
XVI. The Flood Horror
XVII. Point of the Flood JudgmentXVIII. Valley of Fire
XIX. Ice Age Simplified
XX. Genetic Bottleneck of the Flood
XXI. Those Animals on the Ark
XXII. The Tonto Group
XXIII. Psalm 104 & Marine Fossils on Everest
XXIV. Latrobe Valley
I. Opposition to the FLOOD
"Among those who insist that the Flood described in Genesis cannot be actual history, two reasons stand out more than all others.
First, naturalism demands a gradual development of everything over“deep time” from simple to complex. Thus, the worldwide deposit of billions of fossils could not have been rapidly buried by a global cataclysm as described in the Bible.Second, those who might otherwise accept the message of the Bible are appalled by the sudden and horrific destruction of the planet by a “loving” God. Thus, the Flood must be a localized or tranquil event rather than the wrathful judgment described in Genesis. Many who embrace this kind of thinking insist that “my kind of God” could never do such a thing.
The first rationalization insists that “all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation” (2 Peter 3:4) and that the Bible must be understood in the light of evolutionary naturalism.
The second rationalization ignores the holiness of God (Isaiah 5:16) and would also ignore the clear Biblical teaching that godless rebellion brings the “wrath of God upon the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 5:6).
The first deny the evidence in the earth.
The second deny the evidence in the Word.
The first group rejects the facts of science.
The second group distorts the facts of Scripture.
Both change “the truth of God into a lie” (Romans 1:25).
HMM IIIII. Noah's Dove & the 3 Advents
I. The Raven
And he sent forth a raven,which went forth to and fro,
until the waters were dried up from off the earth.
Genesis 8:7
The Raven was sent out & never returned to the ark.
The Raven represents Lucifer, sent out first to the earth where he would stay.
The Raven is a scavenger bird as Lucifer scavenges for the souls of earth.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,called theDevil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the whole world:
he was cast out into the earth,
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour:
Revelation 12:9/1 Peter 5:8
II. The Dove
a) First Trip / 1st Advent
Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;
But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth:
then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in untohim into the ark.
Genesis 8:8,9
The Dove represents Christ. Notice on its first trip it found no place to rest the foot
---as Christ found no place to rest His head.... .
And it was Noah (God) who reached out and the pulled the Dove (Christ) back into the ark (Heaven).
...but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
Luke 9:58
But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth:
then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in untohim into the ark.
Genesis 8:8,9
The Dove represents Christ. Notice on its first trip it found no place to rest the foot
---as Christ found no place to rest His head.... .
And it was Noah (God) who reached out and the pulled the Dove (Christ) back into the ark (Heaven).
...but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
Luke 9:58
b) Second Trip / 2nd Advent
....and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off:Genesis 8:10,11
After the 2nd Advent of Christ, He returns to heaven with His people...represented by an olive branch... for Paul compares
the people of God to an olive branch. much more shall these,
which be the natural branches,
be graffed into their own olive tree?
Romans 11:23
After the 2nd Advent of Christ, He returns to heaven with His people...represented by an olive branch... for Paul compares
the people of God to an olive branch. much more shall these,
which be the natural branches,
be graffed into their own olive tree?
Romans 11:23
C) Third Trip / 3rd Advent
....and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.
Genesis 8:12The dove didn't return from the 3rd trip.
The 3rd time Christ leaves Heaven for earth,
He stays here.
For He brings down the City of the New Jerusalem.
And he carried me away
in the spirit to a great and high mountain,
and shewed me that great city,
the holy Jerusalem,
descending out of heaven from God,
Revelation 21:10
Genesis 8:12The dove didn't return from the 3rd trip.
The 3rd time Christ leaves Heaven for earth,
He stays here.
For He brings down the City of the New Jerusalem.
And he carried me away
in the spirit to a great and high mountain,
and shewed me that great city,
the holy Jerusalem,
descending out of heaven from God,
Revelation 21:10
III. Vanilla Flavored Flood?
"During the worst mass extinction in Earth's history, acid rain may have at times made the ground as acidic as lemon juice, new research shows.The mass extinction at the end of the Permian period was the most extreme die-off in Earth's history.The high level of acidity in the soil at the time of the extinction was revealed in the new study when researchers looked at levels of a compound called vanillin in rocks that date to that time. The chemical is the main ingredient in natural vanilla extract and is also produced when wood decomposes. Normally, bacteria in the soil convert vanillin into vanillic acid, but acidic conditions hinder this process.
The researchers found that the ratios of vanillic acid to vanillin in the rocks show that the level of acidity of the soil at the end of the Permian could have been close to that of vinegar or lemon juice."
And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth...
Genesis 6:17
IV. "Cliff"notes on the Flood
"No “flood model” existed before the flood; therefore, no flood would occur. No “flood model” exists after the flood; therefore, no flood did occur.How much simpler could it be?
---For the pre-flood intelligentsia, the mistake was assuming that what is now, the current physical condition of the world, would be the same in the future;
---for the post-flood intelligentsia, the mistake is assuming that what is now, the current physical condition of the
world, was the same as in the past. In both cases, the assumption of continuity was—and remains—wrong.
No flood model exists because no model could exist.
world, was the same as in the past. In both cases, the assumption of continuity was—and remains—wrong.
No flood model exists because no model could exist.
Q: How could science, premised on two assumptions—continuity (the present is the same as the past) and the rejection of the supernatural—model a supernatural event based on a past different from the present?"
Clifford Goldstein
V. 5 Rules of Global Flood Paleontology
"The five rules of global Flood paleontology explain the fossil evidence of the rock record and also fit closely with the overall succession of global megasequence deposition by the Flood.These rules are1) Sudden appearance: creature kinds appear suddenly in the rock
record with no evidence of evolutionary ancestors;
2) Stasis: fossil creatures look similar to living counterparts as well as fossil counterparts buried later, with no evidence of evolution;
3) Marine mixing: land creatures are often found mixed and buried together with marine creatures;
4) Burial by ecological zonation: as the floodwaters steadily progressed from the oceans onto land, there’s a corresponding representation of ecosystem burial; and
5) Recent burial around 4,500 years ago: soft tissue and biomolecules are found in fossils in all Flood strata."
VI. Pre- Flood Population
And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years,
and begat a son in his own likeness,
after his image; and called his name Seth:
Genesis 5:3
"Description of Calculations:and begat a son in his own likeness,
after his image; and called his name Seth:
Genesis 5:3
Based on the numerical values in Genesis, the life-spans, generation lengths, and childbearing ages were analyzed using an electronic spreadsheet called Mathcad 7.
The results were plotted and range of probable values determined, representing the world population at the time the flood occurred.
The population was calculated using the formula given below.
The population was calculated using the formula given below.
This formula was published by Henry Morris and calculates the population of the world at the time of the Flood.
P(n) is the population after n generations which begins with one man and one woman. The number of generations is represented by n.
A value for n can be obtained by dividing the total time period by the number of years per generation.
The number of generations that are alive when P(n) is evaluated is represented by x. For example, if x equals 2, the generations that are alive are generations n and n-1. The value of c represents half the number of children in the family. If each family has only two children c would equal 1 and the population growth rate would be zero.
Both x and y scales are logarithmic. The number of children per family are varied from 10 to 3. Several "runs" are made using different values for n.
The number of generations that are alive when P(n) is evaluated is represented by x. For example, if x equals 2, the generations that are alive are generations n and n-1. The value of c represents half the number of children in the family. If each family has only two children c would equal 1 and the population growth rate would be zero.
Both x and y scales are logarithmic. The number of children per family are varied from 10 to 3. Several "runs" are made using different values for n.
The child bearing ages are obtained by dividing 1656 by n.
The result is used to establish the average age for childbirth and therefore, the length of each generation.
The population is evaluated in five groups, consisting of the following:
1. Sixteen generations (n=16), each generation is 103.5 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
2. Eighteen generations (n=18), each generation is 92 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
3. Twenty generations (n=20), each generation is 82.8 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
4. Twenty-two generations (n=22), each generation is 75.3 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
1. Sixteen generations (n=16), each generation is 103.5 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
2. Eighteen generations (n=18), each generation is 92 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
3. Twenty generations (n=20), each generation is 82.8 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
4. Twenty-two generations (n=22), each generation is 75.3 years. The life-spans are 900 years (x=9). The calculations begin with 10 children per family and are minimized to 3 children per family.
Additional data points were generated, this time assuming that the population may have been between 1 to 40 billion. The same life-spans were used as in the previous (900 years).
The generation lengths are also the same (16 to 22). The range of children per family is varied from 8.6 to 4.8. These values appear to be more in line with what is mentioned in scripture. (Although, scripture isn't clear as to what all cases may have been.)
Although it is difficult to obtain an actual value of world population at the time of the flood, 5 to17 billion people would appear to be reasonable populations, with an average of around 10 billion. *The best ages for childbirth would be 80.8 to 92 years with 6 to 7 children per family. This would be 20 to 18 generations produced from Adam to the Flood in 1656. The Book of Genesis indicates (Chapter 5) that each family had at least 5 children.
However, Noah apparently had only 3 children. (It is possible that he could have had sons and daughters that aren't recorded and who weren't on the ark.)
Genesis Chapter 5 states that each person had "sons and daughters" in addition to the son whose chronology is given. Since a plural is used to describe the number of sons and daughters, a minimum of two sons and two daughters are assumed. Therefore, a reasonable value would appear to be a range of 5 to 8 children per family.
Using 5 to 8 children per family, the population falls with in a range of ~2 billion to 11.5 billion (over the range of 16 to 22 generations).
*It is interesting that today's population of approximately 6 billion fall within this category.
*A reasonable value for the antediluvian childbearing age appears to be approximately 90 years. Genesis uses a range of 65 to 500 years, for the first born in the families that are listed.
However, Noah apparently had only 3 children. (It is possible that he could have had sons and daughters that aren't recorded and who weren't on the ark.)
Genesis Chapter 5 states that each person had "sons and daughters" in addition to the son whose chronology is given. Since a plural is used to describe the number of sons and daughters, a minimum of two sons and two daughters are assumed. Therefore, a reasonable value would appear to be a range of 5 to 8 children per family.
Using 5 to 8 children per family, the population falls with in a range of ~2 billion to 11.5 billion (over the range of 16 to 22 generations).
*It is interesting that today's population of approximately 6 billion fall within this category.
*A reasonable value for the antediluvian childbearing age appears to be approximately 90 years. Genesis uses a range of 65 to 500 years, for the first born in the families that are listed.
*Noah is the only one mentioned who waited 500 years before starting his family. We are not told why. Therefore, Noah is an exception to the standard. (As mentioned above, Noah could have had other sons and daughters who are not recorded)."
Tom Pickett
Tom Pickett
VII. The "Great Dying" & Mercury
....the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up... Genesis 7:11
So during the Flood we learn that Mercury Rained Down on the Living of the time...
"An international team of paleontologists from China and the United States has found high levels of mercury in the end-Permian marine sediments at nearly a dozen sites around the world, which provides persuasive evidence that volcanic eruptions were to blame for the mass extinction at the end of the Permian period.
....known as the Permian-Triassic extinction event and the Great Dying, is the largest mass extinction event in Earth’s history.
The catastrophe killed off nearly 96% of all marine species on the planet.
The main cause of the extinction is generally thought to be linked to severe environmental perturbations caused by eruptions in a volcanic system called the Siberian Traps.
Many of the eruptions occurred not in cone-shaped volcanoes but through gaping fissures in the ground.
The eruptions ignited vast deposits of coal, releasing mercury vapor high into the atmosphere. Eventually, it rained down into the
marine sediment around the planet, creating an elemental signature of a catastrophe.
“Volcanic activities, including emissions of volcanic gases and combustion of organic matter, released abundant mercury to the surface of the Earth,” said study lead author Dr. Jun Shen, a researcher at the China University of Geosciences.
The researchers used the sharp fossilized teeth of lamprey-like
creatures called conodonts to date the rock in which the mercury was deposited. Like most other creatures on the planet, conodonts were decimated by the catastrophe.
The eruptions propelled as much as 3 million km of ash high into the air over this extended period.
“In fact, the Siberian Traps eruptions spewed so much material in the air, particularly greenhouse gases, that it warmed the planet by an average of about 10 degrees centigrade,” Professor Algeo said.
"An international team of paleontologists from China and the United States has found high levels of mercury in the end-Permian marine sediments at nearly a dozen sites around the world, which provides persuasive evidence that volcanic eruptions were to blame for the mass extinction at the end of the Permian period.
....known as the Permian-Triassic extinction event and the Great Dying, is the largest mass extinction event in Earth’s history.
The catastrophe killed off nearly 96% of all marine species on the planet.
The main cause of the extinction is generally thought to be linked to severe environmental perturbations caused by eruptions in a volcanic system called the Siberian Traps.
Many of the eruptions occurred not in cone-shaped volcanoes but through gaping fissures in the ground.
The eruptions ignited vast deposits of coal, releasing mercury vapor high into the atmosphere. Eventually, it rained down into the
marine sediment around the planet, creating an elemental signature of a catastrophe.
“Volcanic activities, including emissions of volcanic gases and combustion of organic matter, released abundant mercury to the surface of the Earth,” said study lead author Dr. Jun Shen, a researcher at the China University of Geosciences.
The researchers used the sharp fossilized teeth of lamprey-like
creatures called conodonts to date the rock in which the mercury was deposited. Like most other creatures on the planet, conodonts were decimated by the catastrophe.
The eruptions propelled as much as 3 million km of ash high into the air over this extended period.
“In fact, the Siberian Traps eruptions spewed so much material in the air, particularly greenhouse gases, that it warmed the planet by an average of about 10 degrees centigrade,” Professor Algeo said.
Potential kill mechanisms triggered by emplacement of the
Siberian Traps magmas include ultraviolet radiation exposure, hypercapnia [excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, typically caused by inadequate respiration.], ocean acidification and anoxia,[an absence or deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues] and toxic metal release.
In the study, the researchers analyzed the Permian-Triassic sedimentary rocks from the Buchanan Lake section in the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian High Arctic.
They found that the samples have the lightest nickel isotope ratios ever measured in sedimentary rocks.
The only plausible explanation is that the nickel was sourced from
the volcanic terrain, very likely carried by aerosol particles and deposited in the ocean, where it dramatically changed the chemistry of seawater and severely disrupted the marine ecosystem."
Siberian Traps magmas include ultraviolet radiation exposure, hypercapnia [excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, typically caused by inadequate respiration.], ocean acidification and anoxia,[an absence or deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues] and toxic metal release.
In the study, the researchers analyzed the Permian-Triassic sedimentary rocks from the Buchanan Lake section in the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian High Arctic.
They found that the samples have the lightest nickel isotope ratios ever measured in sedimentary rocks.
The only plausible explanation is that the nickel was sourced from
the volcanic terrain, very likely carried by aerosol particles and deposited in the ocean, where it dramatically changed the chemistry of seawater and severely disrupted the marine ecosystem."
VIII. Flood Evidence Everywhere (4 Basics)
And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered.
Genesis 7:19 ESV
1- Consider the fact that it takes special conditions to make a
fossil, and the world is covered with billions of them in mass graves. Creatures must be buried rapidly before they rot or get eaten by scavengers. And, in fact, vast numbers of animals were buried and fossilized so quickly that some could not even finish swallowing their meal or giving birth.
fossil, and the world is covered with billions of them in mass graves. Creatures must be buried rapidly before they rot or get eaten by scavengers. And, in fact, vast numbers of animals were buried and fossilized so quickly that some could not even finish swallowing their meal or giving birth.
2- Another obvious evidence that makes sense in a global flood isfossils of tree trunks standing upright or upside down through more than one layer. This doesn’t make sense with the slow accumulation of layers over millions of years, but instead it is a sign that these polystrate fossils were buried rapidly.
3- Another obvious example, which tourists can visit around theworld, is rock layers that were deposited around the globe at the same time. This is consistent with the Genesis account of a worldwide, versus a regional, catastrophe. For example, the Tapeats Sandstone, which sits on the basement rocks of Grand Canyon (Arizona), also appears far away in Wisconsin and across the ocean in Israel and Libya (under different names). How could a local flood deposit the same rock layer across multiple continents?
4- You can go to many places on the planet and see row upon row ofconsecutively deposited rock layers that were soft when deposited and then bent, sometimes drastically. The whole series shows no signs of fracturing. Obviously, hard rocks do not bend without breaking. A better explanation is that the flood laid these layers rapidly, and they were bent before they could dry out and harden."
IX. Bay of Fundy
And the waters prevailed,
and were increased greatly upon the earth;
Genesis 7:18
"The Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada is famous for its enormous tides. At Hopewell Rocks, toward the end of the bay, the tide may rise as high as 46 feet, but it does not stay high very long. The water isalways moving, either up or down, and the level can change by 3 feet in 30 minutes.
The tides are eroding the cliffs and leaving stacks that are narrow at their base and look like ‘flower pots’ standing on the shore. These have fascinating names like Baby Elephant, Mother-in-law, and Lover’s Arch.
The tides are eroding the cliffs and leaving stacks that are narrow at their base and look like ‘flower pots’ standing on the shore. These have fascinating names like Baby Elephant, Mother-in-law, and Lover’s Arch.
Visitors to Hopewell Rocks, sometimes thousands a day, descend the Main Staircase at low tide and stroll across the ocean floor—until the water begins to rise again.
On-site interpreters gave talks about the local wildlife, sea life, and plant life, and told the geological story about how the rocks formed. Their story was one spanning eras of unimaginable time hundreds of millions of years ago.
When I descended the steps, I saw that the flower pots were made of gravel that had been cemented into stone. Some of the chunks of rock were angular but most were rounded. This conglomerate rock, as it is called, spoke of large quantities of fast flowing water. Rushing floodwaters would not have taken very much time to deposit that gravel. As I walked across the exposed ocean floor and examined the flower-pot stacks and cliffs, I realized I was looking at evidence from the global Flood of Noah’s time.
*Floodwaters rushed into the rift.
*The rushing floodwaters eroded the higher land alongside, depositing thick layers of gravel into the rift. This has been called the Hopewell Conglomerate.
*As the rush of water eased, the valley filled with sand andvegetation. The vegetation had been ripped up by the floodwaters, and was floating in huge rafts. After the vegetation was buried, heat transformed it, over the years, into coal.
*Further movements in the crust caused hugevolcanic eruptions.
*These earth movements tilted the land around the Bay of Fundy. They opened up the ocean basins allowing the floodwaters to drain off the continents.
*After the continents had drained, the warm oceans produced highevaporation and high precipitation, which caused ice to build up on the land over several hundred years.
*When the oceans cooled, the glaciers melted back, and the Bay of Fundy emerged much like it is today." CMI
On-site interpreters gave talks about the local wildlife, sea life, and plant life, and told the geological story about how the rocks formed. Their story was one spanning eras of unimaginable time hundreds of millions of years ago.
When I descended the steps, I saw that the flower pots were made of gravel that had been cemented into stone. Some of the chunks of rock were angular but most were rounded. This conglomerate rock, as it is called, spoke of large quantities of fast flowing water. Rushing floodwaters would not have taken very much time to deposit that gravel. As I walked across the exposed ocean floor and examined the flower-pot stacks and cliffs, I realized I was looking at evidence from the global Flood of Noah’s time.
*Early during Noah’s Flood, about 4,500 years ago, after thefloodwaters had been rising for a few months, they had deposited vast quantities of sediment in thick layers. Then, earth movements faulted and fractured the crust, as occurred in the Bay of Fundy area. Some areas were pushed up and others sank down, forming a ‘rift valley’.
*Floodwaters rushed into the rift.
*The rushing floodwaters eroded the higher land alongside, depositing thick layers of gravel into the rift. This has been called the Hopewell Conglomerate.
*As the rush of water eased, the valley filled with sand andvegetation. The vegetation had been ripped up by the floodwaters, and was floating in huge rafts. After the vegetation was buried, heat transformed it, over the years, into coal.
*Further movements in the crust caused hugevolcanic eruptions.
*These earth movements tilted the land around the Bay of Fundy. They opened up the ocean basins allowing the floodwaters to drain off the continents.
*After the continents had drained, the warm oceans produced highevaporation and high precipitation, which caused ice to build up on the land over several hundred years.
*When the oceans cooled, the glaciers melted back, and the Bay of Fundy emerged much like it is today." CMI
X. Pink Diamonds & the Scar of the Flood
.....the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11
So basically, the SCAR left by the geo-chemistry via the Floods busting apart the Global Plates gave us Pink Diamonds....interesting....
"....the largest source of natural diamonds discovered to date, the Argyle mine in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, is one of only a few economic deposits found within a Paleoproterozoic orogen adjacent to cratonic regions underlain by Archean basement.....Argyle is located at the point where the Kimberley
region and the rest of northern Australia smashed together many years prior, and that sort of collision creates a damaged area or ‘scar’ in the land that will never fully heal.....While the continent that would become Australia didn’t break up, the area where Argyle is situated was stretched, including along the scar, which created gaps in the Earth’s crust for magma to shoot up through to the surface, bringing with it Pink Diamonds."
XI. Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis = Noah's FLOOD?
Is this more Evidence of a Global Destruction, with Comets pounding the earth busting open the great deep and loosening the tectonic plates? ....the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,... Genesis 7:11
"The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, also known as Clovis comet hypothesis, posits that the hemisphere-wide debris field of a large, disintegrating asteroid (or comet) struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia.
This event triggered extensive biomass burning, brief impact winter, climate change, and contributed to extinctions of late Pleistocene megafauna. Controversial from the time it was proposed, this hypothesis continues to be contested by those who prefer to attribute the end-Pleistocene reversal in warming entirely to terrestrial causes. Now, University of California, Santa Barbara’s Professor James Kennett and co-authors present further geologic and paleontological evidence of the cosmic impact, this time far south of the equator.
The analyses of the Pilauco sediments yielded the presence of microscopic spherules interpreted to have been formed by melting due to the extremely high temperatures associated with impact.
The layer containing these spherules also show peak concentrations of platinum and gold, and native iron particles rarely found in nature.
“Among the most important spherules are those that are chromium-rich,” Professor Kennett said.
“These included a large biomass burning event evidenced by, among other things, micro-charcoal and signs of burning in pollen samples collected at the impact layer. Furthermore, the burning coincides with the timing of major YDB-related burning events in North America and western Europe.”
“The rapidity — — with which the climate shifted is best attributed to impact-related shifts in atmospheric systems, rather than to the slower oceanic processes,” Professor Kennett said."
"The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, also known as Clovis comet hypothesis, posits that the hemisphere-wide debris field of a large, disintegrating asteroid (or comet) struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia.
This event triggered extensive biomass burning, brief impact winter, climate change, and contributed to extinctions of late Pleistocene megafauna. Controversial from the time it was proposed, this hypothesis continues to be contested by those who prefer to attribute the end-Pleistocene reversal in warming entirely to terrestrial causes. Now, University of California, Santa Barbara’s Professor James Kennett and co-authors present further geologic and paleontological evidence of the cosmic impact, this time far south of the equator.
The analyses of the Pilauco sediments yielded the presence of microscopic spherules interpreted to have been formed by melting due to the extremely high temperatures associated with impact.
The layer containing these spherules also show peak concentrations of platinum and gold, and native iron particles rarely found in nature.
“Among the most important spherules are those that are chromium-rich,” Professor Kennett said.
“These included a large biomass burning event evidenced by, among other things, micro-charcoal and signs of burning in pollen samples collected at the impact layer. Furthermore, the burning coincides with the timing of major YDB-related burning events in North America and western Europe.”
“The rapidity — — with which the climate shifted is best attributed to impact-related shifts in atmospheric systems, rather than to the slower oceanic processes,” Professor Kennett said."
XII. Hadean Period: Global Flood Era?
The Hadean Period is simply the Flood Period of earth's history--
But, in the very beginning of Earth’s formation, there’s a less well-known period that has typically been called the Hadean (meaning “hell-like”) because it was assumed that
....the same day were all the
fountains of the great deep broken up,
and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11
"A new terrestrial bombardment model based on existing lunar and terrestrial data sheds light on the role asteroid bombardments played in the geological evolution of the uppermost layers of Earth during the Hadean period.But, in the very beginning of Earth’s formation, there’s a less well-known period that has typically been called the Hadean (meaning “hell-like”) because it was assumed that
A) it was wildly hot and volcanic, and magma covered everything was — completely unlike the present day.Furthermore,
B) large collisions may have repeatedly boiled away existing oceans into steamy atmospheres. Despite heavy bombardment, the findings are compatible with the claim based on geochemical data that
C) liquid water on Earth’s surface existed early.
A key part of Earth’s mysterious infancy period that has not been well quantified in the past is the kind of impacts Earth was experiencing at the end of accretion.
A key part of Earth’s mysterious infancy period that has not been well quantified in the past is the kind of impacts Earth was experiencing at the end of accretion.
D) How big and how frequent were those incoming bombardments, and what were their effects on Earth’s surface?
E) Large impacts had particularly severe effects on existing ecosystems. Researchers found that on average, Hadean Earth could have been hit by one to four impactors that were more than 600 miles wide and capable of global sterilization, and by three to seven impactors more than 300 miles (500km) wide and capable of global ocean vaporization."
E) Large impacts had particularly severe effects on existing ecosystems. Researchers found that on average, Hadean Earth could have been hit by one to four impactors that were more than 600 miles wide and capable of global sterilization, and by three to seven impactors more than 300 miles (500km) wide and capable of global ocean vaporization."
A) It was volcanic-and magma did cover a lot of turf......forming many of our existing mountain chains we have today.
B) Water did cover the earth--steamy, maybe in some parts due to magma warming it up.
C) There has always been water on the earth.
D) Those bombardments were likely how the tectonic plates were split apart during the flood.
E) Yeah, I bet there was "severe effects on existing ecosystems" due to a bombardment at that time capable of "global sterilization" & "global ocean vaporization".
A) It was volcanic-and magma did cover a lot of turf......forming many of our existing mountain chains we have today.
B) Water did cover the earth--steamy, maybe in some parts due to magma warming it up.
C) There has always been water on the earth.
D) Those bombardments were likely how the tectonic plates were split apart during the flood.
E) Yeah, I bet there was "severe effects on existing ecosystems" due to a bombardment at that time capable of "global sterilization" & "global ocean vaporization".
XIII. A Very Strong Wind (yes it was)
The "Carboniferous period" is known as the Flood period to Christians... and yes- it was a "very strong wind".... the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11
"The fossil trackway covers a boulder that rests along the Bright Angel Trail in Grand Canyon National Park.
The two blocks display part and counterpart surfaces containing a conspicuous vertebrate trackway consisting of 28 tracks, preserved as impressions on one block and natural casts on the opposing block. The trackway extends about 3.3 feet across the width of the fallen blocks.
The Bright Angel Trail trackway dates to the Carboniferous period when one massive supercontinent called Pangaea dominated the world, and is unusual for several reasons.
“It’s the oldest trackway ever discovered in the Grand Canyon in an interval of rocks that nobody thought would have trackways in it, and they’re among the earliest reptile tracks on Earth,”
Professor Rowland said.
“My first impression was that it looked very bizarre because of the sideways motion,” he added.
“It appeared that two animals were walking side-by-side. But you wouldn’t expect two lizard-like animals to be walking side-by-side. It didn’t make any sense.”
“One reason I’ve proposed is that the animal was walking in a very strong wind, and the wind was blowing it sideways.”
"The fossil trackway covers a boulder that rests along the Bright Angel Trail in Grand Canyon National Park.
The two blocks display part and counterpart surfaces containing a conspicuous vertebrate trackway consisting of 28 tracks, preserved as impressions on one block and natural casts on the opposing block. The trackway extends about 3.3 feet across the width of the fallen blocks.
The Bright Angel Trail trackway dates to the Carboniferous period when one massive supercontinent called Pangaea dominated the world, and is unusual for several reasons.
“It’s the oldest trackway ever discovered in the Grand Canyon in an interval of rocks that nobody thought would have trackways in it, and they’re among the earliest reptile tracks on Earth,”
Professor Rowland said.
“My first impression was that it looked very bizarre because of the sideways motion,” he added.
“It appeared that two animals were walking side-by-side. But you wouldn’t expect two lizard-like animals to be walking side-by-side. It didn’t make any sense.”
“One reason I’ve proposed is that the animal was walking in a very strong wind, and the wind was blowing it sideways.”
XIV. Abundant Evidences
And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before Me;
for the earth is filled with violence through them; and,
behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Genesis 6:13
"There are abundant evidences of a watery, global cataclysm -- evidences which are not easily refuted.
They are so universal, so astounding, and so inter-related that they require re-examination.
How is it explained, for instance,
--that ancient peoples, from six separate continents, almost invariably had a Flood tradition?
--Why is it that ancient peoples almost always had a pantheon of sky-gods and traditions of celestial chaos?
--Why is it that ancient peoples all over the world, in diverse cultures possessing independent traditions, yet possessed similar traditions of cataclysms containing similar motifs?
--...why, then, does our solar system also contain abundant evidences of historical astral chaos? And
Re-examination of these universal evidences and their implications leads to a serious and careful consideration of the Flood catastrophe."
for the earth is filled with violence through them; and,
behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Genesis 6:13
"There are abundant evidences of a watery, global cataclysm -- evidences which are not easily refuted.
They are so universal, so astounding, and so inter-related that they require re-examination.
How is it explained, for instance,
--that ancient peoples, from six separate continents, almost invariably had a Flood tradition?
--Why is it that ancient peoples almost always had a pantheon of sky-gods and traditions of celestial chaos?
--Why is it that ancient peoples all over the world, in diverse cultures possessing independent traditions, yet possessed similar traditions of cataclysms containing similar motifs?
--...why, then, does our solar system also contain abundant evidences of historical astral chaos? And
Re-examination of these universal evidences and their implications leads to a serious and careful consideration of the Flood catastrophe."
XV. Global Flood Waters Discovered?
"Not only is the Chesapeake Bay so enormous it can be seen from space, it essentially came from outer space.An asteroid or huge chunk of ice slammed into Earth years ago, splashing into the Early Cretaceous North Atlantic, sending tsunamis as far as the Blue Ridge Mountains and leaving a 56-mile-wide hole at the mouth of what is now the bay.
"What we essentially discovered was trapped water that’s twice the salinity of [modern] seawater,” said Ward Sanford, a USGS hydrologist. “In our attempt to find out the origin, we found it was Early Cretaceous seawater."
The Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater was discovered in 1999.
They theorized that a huge rock or chunk of ice slammed into an ancient ocean, sending enormous pieces of debris skyward and forcing monster tsunamis hundreds of miles inland."
Q: Or could it be-trapped global flood waters preserved?
Q: Or could it be-trapped global flood waters preserved?
The meteors plummeted the earth helping to bust apart the crust of the earth and unleashing the great deeps....
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11
XVI. The Flood Horror
And all flesh died that moved upon the earth,
both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast,
and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,
and every man: Genesis 7:21
"Sin was spreading abroad in the earth like a deadly leprosy. The world was but in its infancy in the days of Noah, yet iniquity had become so deep and wide-spread, that God repented that he had made man.
--The people first beheld the destruction of the works of their own hands.--The violence of the storm increased, and there were mingled with the warring of the elements, the wailings of the people who had despised the authority of God. Trees, buildings, rocks, and earth were hurled in every direction. The terror of man and beast was beyond description.
--And even Satan himself, who was compelled to be amid the warring elements, feared for his own existence.
--Many of the people, like Satan, blasphemed God, and if they could have carried out their rebellion, would have torn him from the throne of justice.
--Others were frantic with fear, stretching their hands toward the ark, and pleading for admittance. But this was impossible. Their fear and repentance came too late.
--As the black, seething waters rise higher and higher, the wicked flee for safety to the loftiest mountains. The solemn denunciations of Noah did not then seem to be so laughable a matter.
--How they longed then for the opportunities, which they had slighted.
--How they pleaded for one hour's probation,
--one more call from the lips of Noah.
--The people first beheld the destruction of the works of their own hands.--The violence of the storm increased, and there were mingled with the warring of the elements, the wailings of the people who had despised the authority of God. Trees, buildings, rocks, and earth were hurled in every direction. The terror of man and beast was beyond description.
--And even Satan himself, who was compelled to be amid the warring elements, feared for his own existence.
--Many of the people, like Satan, blasphemed God, and if they could have carried out their rebellion, would have torn him from the throne of justice.
--Others were frantic with fear, stretching their hands toward the ark, and pleading for admittance. But this was impossible. Their fear and repentance came too late.
--As the black, seething waters rise higher and higher, the wicked flee for safety to the loftiest mountains. The solemn denunciations of Noah did not then seem to be so laughable a matter.
--How they longed then for the opportunities, which they had slighted.
--How they pleaded for one hour's probation,
--one more call from the lips of Noah.
But mercy's sweet voice was no more to be heard by them.
She had stepped down from her golden throne, and stern, imperative justice had taken her place."E.G.W.
XVII. Point of the Flood Judgment
The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5
"God knows the damage the Fall wrought on man’s moral nature.
Q: And did the Flood judgment fix it?
A: No.
Q: But if the Flood couldn’t fix man’s corrupted heart, what sort of destructive judgment could?
A: None.
(Except in the final judgment, of course. But the point of the final judgment is a little different from that of historical judgments like the Flood.
--The Flood served purposes within fallen history;
--the final judgment is the end of fallen history.)"
Q: And did the Flood judgment fix it?
A: No.
Q: But if the Flood couldn’t fix man’s corrupted heart, what sort of destructive judgment could?
A: None.
That’s the point.
If God goes big first to prove such judgments don’t change us,
He’s proven His point.
He doesn’t have to go as big again.(Except in the final judgment, of course. But the point of the final judgment is a little different from that of historical judgments like the Flood.
--The Flood served purposes within fallen history;
--the final judgment is the end of fallen history.)"
XVIII. Valley of Fire
...because of the waters of the flood. Genesis 7:7"Valley of Fire is located 50 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
The name Valley of Fire comes from the red sandstone formations in the valley, called the Aztec Sandstone, which often appear to be on fire beneath the rays of the sun.
Consulting the reinterpretation chart of figure 2 we can see that a “uniformitarian age” of 150 million years is somewhere around the Jurassic. Alongside this age the green arrow indicates it is towards
the top of “Floodwaters rising”.
In other words, the sandstone was deposited during Noah’s Flood some 4,500 years ago as the floodwaters were rising and as they were nearing their peak. On this diagram, notice the blue arrow, which indicates that after the Cretaceous the floodwaters were falling.
Also notice that there is some overlap on the arrows to indicate that the exact location (e.g. between rising and falling) can vary depending on the area we are considering.
And that is what we see.
Long-age geologists will automatically assume that these beds were deposited by wind, rather than by water, because it would take a flood of Biblical proportions to deposit such huge dunes from water.
However, this is no problem for a Biblical interpretation because we would expect to see lots of evidence of large-scale watery catastrophe.And that is what we see.
The Wikipedia article on the Valley of Fire reports that other important rock formations in the area include limestones, shales, and conglomerates (composed of large rocks).
All these were deposited as the waters of Noah’s Flood were rising."
XIX. Ice Age Simplified
There is strong geological evidence for only the most recent of the supposed Ice Ages, which these scientists call the Last Glacial. They call the coldest part of this period the Last Glacial Maximum.
---The best scientific explanation is that the Genesis Flood caused this one and only Ice Age.*During the Flood, new seafloor formed very rapidly.
---The best scientific explanation is that the Genesis Flood caused this one and only Ice Age.*During the Flood, new seafloor formed very rapidly.
*Extruded magma heated the world’s oceans, greatly increasing evaporation from the sea surface.
*This resulted in more precipitation, including large amounts of snowfall at high latitudes and on mountaintops.
*Residual volcanism continued for centuries after the Flood, and the aerosols from the explosive eruptions reflected sunlight back into space, resulting in cooler summer temperatures.
*The cooler summers prevented snow and ice from melting, allowing them to accumulate and form thick ice sheets.
*As the oceans cooled and volcanic activity decreased, the Ice Age slowly came to an end."
And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.
*This resulted in more precipitation, including large amounts of snowfall at high latitudes and on mountaintops.
*Residual volcanism continued for centuries after the Flood, and the aerosols from the explosive eruptions reflected sunlight back into space, resulting in cooler summer temperatures.
*The cooler summers prevented snow and ice from melting, allowing them to accumulate and form thick ice sheets.
*As the oceans cooled and volcanic activity decreased, the Ice Age slowly came to an end."
And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.
Genesis 8:13
XX. Genetic Bottleneck of the Flood
So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood. Genesis 7:7
"The evidence from mitochondrial DNA fits our model just as neatly as the Y chromosome data.
As it turns out,
there are three main mitochondrial DNA lineages
found across the world.
The evolutionists have labeled these lines “M”, “N”, and “R”, so we’ll refer to them by the same names. It also turns out that M, N, and R differ by only a few mutations. This gives us some indication of the amount of mutation that occurred in the generations prior to the Flood.
--Let’s assume ten female generations from Eve to the ladies on the
--Let’s assume ten female generations from Eve to the ladies on the
M and N are separated by about 8 mutations (a small fraction of the 16,500 letters in the mitochondrial genome). R is only 1 mutation away from N. This is an indication of the mutational load that occurred before the Flood. Given the assumption that mutations occur at equal rates in all lines, about four mutations separate M and N each from Eve (maybe four mutations in each line in ten generations).
Q: But what about R?
A: It is very similar to N.
Q: But what about R?
A: It is very similar to N.
Q: Were N and R sisters, or perhaps more closely related to each other than they were to M? We’ll never know, but it sure is fascinating to think about.
--One more line of evidence crops up in the amount of genetic diversity that has been found within people worldwide. Essentially, much less has been found than most (i.e., evolutionists!) predicted.
--One more line of evidence crops up in the amount of genetic diversity that has been found within people worldwide. Essentially, much less has been found than most (i.e., evolutionists!) predicted.
*However, the reason for this lack of diversity is.....
First, the human race started out with only two people.
Second, the human race is not that old and has not accumulated a lot of mutations, despite the high mutation rate.
Third, there actually was a bottleneck event, Noah’s Flood!"
Second, the human race is not that old and has not accumulated a lot of mutations, despite the high mutation rate.
Third, there actually was a bottleneck event, Noah’s Flood!"
Dr. Robert Carter
XXI. Those Animals on the Ark
"Many skeptics assert that the Bible must be wrong, because they claim that the Ark could not possibly have carried all the different types of animals.
Genesis 6:19:
‘And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.
Genesis 7:2,3:
‘Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth.’
Q: What is a ‘kind’?
Genesis 6:19:
‘And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.
Genesis 7:2,3:
‘Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth.’
Q: What is a ‘kind’?
A: God created a number of different types of animals with much
capacity for variation within limits.
capacity for variation within limits.
The descendants of each of these different kinds, apart from humans, would today mostly be represented by a larger grouping than what is called a species.
In most cases, those species descended from a particular original kind would be grouped today within what modern taxonomists (biologists who classify living things) call a genus (plural genera).
For example,
For example,
---horses, zebras and donkeys are probably descended from an equine(horse-like) kind, since they can interbreed, although the offspring are sterile.
---Dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals are probably from a canine (dog-like) kind.
---All different types of domestic cattle (which are clean animals) are descended from the Aurochs, so there were probably at most seven (or fourteen) domestic cattle aboard.
The space, feeding and excretory requirements were adequate even if the animals had normal day/night sleeping cycles.
The space, feeding and excretory requirements were adequate even if the animals had normal day/night sleeping cycles.
But hibernation is a possibility
which would reduce these requirements even more."
XXII. The Tonto Group
And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. Genesis 7:10
"......about new research on the Grand Canyon.
The new research looked at the Tonto Group, a 500-meter-thick formation, containing the Tapeats sandstone, Bright Angel Shale, and Muav Limestone (as well as two other minor) strata, that is conventionally assigned to the Cambrian layer (this represents the initial stages of the global flood).
"......about new research on the Grand Canyon.
The new research looked at the Tonto Group, a 500-meter-thick formation, containing the Tapeats sandstone, Bright Angel Shale, and Muav Limestone (as well as two other minor) strata, that is conventionally assigned to the Cambrian layer (this represents the initial stages of the global flood).
While evolutionists believe it to be 540 million years old, listen tohow they interpret this area based on their studies at Grand Canyon and other places:
“The Tonto Group holds a treasure trove of sedimentary layers and fossils chronicling the Cambrian Explosion some 540 million years ago, when the first vertebrates and animals with hard shells rapidly proliferated and sea levels rose to envelop continents with emerging marine life.”
“From the Tonto Group’s 500-meter-thick strata, we’re learning about sea-level rise and the effects of catastrophic tropical storms – probably more powerful than today’s devastating hurricanes – during a period of very hot temperatures when the Earth was ice-free.”
“Sea levels were so high during this time period, Dehler says, that rocks like the Tonto Group were deposited atop every continent on Earth, as seas bathed the continents in a complex mosaic of shallow marine, coastal, and terrestrial environments.”
“From the Tonto Group’s 500-meter-thick strata, we’re learning about sea-level rise and the effects of catastrophic tropical storms – probably more powerful than today’s devastating hurricanes – during a period of very hot temperatures when the Earth was ice-free.”
“Sea levels were so high during this time period, Dehler says, that rocks like the Tonto Group were deposited atop every continent on Earth, as seas bathed the continents in a complex mosaic of shallow marine, coastal, and terrestrial environments.”
--Sea levels rose all around the world,
--bathing the continents
--and depositing vast rock layers that stretch across continents.
That’s all coming from evolutionary scientists—but it almost sounds like they’re describing the initial stages of the global flood as waters began to rise and sea creatures were rapidly buried by these rising floodwaters."
XXIII. Psalm 104 & Marine Fossils on Everest
"The Flood, as Psalm 104:8 seems to indicate, “the mountains rose,the valleys sank down”, giving us the very uneven surface of the planet we now inhabit.
Even Mount Everest, one of the planet’s tallest peaks, would have been uplifted at the closing stages of the Flood, coming into being at that time as a brand-new feature. So no wonder it has limestone with marine fossils on its summit."
Even Mount Everest, one of the planet’s tallest peaks, would have been uplifted at the closing stages of the Flood, coming into being at that time as a brand-new feature. So no wonder it has limestone with marine fossils on its summit."
XXIV. Latrobe Valley
And it came to pass after seven days,
that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Genesis 7:10
"South-East Australia’s Latrobe Valley has some extremely thick deposits of brown coal which are mined to fuel several huge power stations.
The coal seams occur within thick layers of clay, sand and basaltic lava, which together form a 2,300-foot sequence of rocks, known as the Latrobe Valley Coal Measures.
Latrobe Valley coal consists of a mass of very fine plant debris containing partly-decomposed plant remains. It is clear that a great quantity of plant material accumulated in the past to produce such huge deposits of coal.
Q: How would such a great amount of vegetation collect together in one place?
A: It is consistent with the devastation of Noah’s Flood, which would have uprooted the entire pre-Flood biosphere and buried it with huge quantities of sand and mud. Large broken tree trunks are found randomly distributed through the coal in many different orientations.
Latrobe Valley coal consists of a mass of very fine plant debris containing partly-decomposed plant remains. It is clear that a great quantity of plant material accumulated in the past to produce such huge deposits of coal.
Q: How would such a great amount of vegetation collect together in one place?
A: It is consistent with the devastation of Noah’s Flood, which would have uprooted the entire pre-Flood biosphere and buried it with huge quantities of sand and mud. Large broken tree trunks are found randomly distributed through the coal in many different orientations.
If ever there was a geological phenomenon that should remind us of Noah’s Flood, it is coal.
--huge quantities of vegetation have been uprooted,
--and buried by water under great volumes of sediment all over the world.
Coal is a stark memorial to the Flood of Noah."
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life,
in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month,
the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11
""According to standard uniformitarian theory, the boundary between the Permian and Triassic Systems is supposed to be marked by the largest extinction event of all time. Evolutionary scientists claim that roughly 90% of ocean species and 70% of land species went extinct suddenly at this boundary. This event is known as the P-T or now the Permian-Triassic mass extinction (PTME).Jacopo Dal Corso, of the University of Leeds, UK, and colleagues, took another look at the chemistry in the rocks near the boundary. They paid special attention to specific varieties of mercury and carbon changes across the PTME. They published their results in Nature Communications.
The science team developed a computer model to track the cycling of mercury, presumed to be from volcanic activity, and a unique isotope of carbon, which tracks changes in the carbon cycle in the environment.
However, they noted that mercury, like carbon, can be stored in terrestrial biomass and soils, and is released through erosion. Therefore, the sudden mobilization of both elements can indicate a massive land destruction and oxidation event.
At the PTME, the scientists found
---a massive spike in mercury
---and a sudden shift in carbon.
The science team developed a computer model to track the cycling of mercury, presumed to be from volcanic activity, and a unique isotope of carbon, which tracks changes in the carbon cycle in the environment.
However, they noted that mercury, like carbon, can be stored in terrestrial biomass and soils, and is released through erosion. Therefore, the sudden mobilization of both elements can indicate a massive land destruction and oxidation event.
At the PTME, the scientists found
---a massive spike in mercury
---and a sudden shift in carbon.
The authors wrote:
--Creation scientists do not accept these great ages nor the notion of extinction events. Extinctions are merely the last occurrences of many organisms in the rock record at the same level.
--Instead, we interpret these events as an expected consequence of the global Flood.
"We show that the large short-lived Hg [mercury] spike, and nadirs in δ202Hg and δ13C [carbon-13] values at the marine
PTME are best explained by a sudden, massive pulse of terrestrial biomass oxidation, while volcanism remains an adequate explanation for the longer-term geochemical changes. Our modelling shows that a massive collapse of terrestrial ecosystems linked to volcanism-driven environmental change triggered significant biogeochemical changes, and cascaded organic matter, nutrients, Hg, and other organically-bound species into the marine system."
--In other words, they concluded that the destruction of land ecosystems occurred prior to the destruction of the ocean system. Further, they attributed these chemical signals to be from mass plant death and soil oxidation—catastrophic events that altered the chemistry of the waters.--Creation scientists do not accept these great ages nor the notion of extinction events. Extinctions are merely the last occurrences of many organisms in the rock record at the same level.
--Instead, we interpret these events as an expected consequence of the global Flood.
*As water levels rose higher,
*new ecological zones would have become progressively inundated, *creating many new types of fossils suddenly at the same time globally.
And these same fossils would just as suddenly disappear as the water level continued to increase and reached a new ecological zone, creating the illusion of an extinction event.
ICR scientists also realize the so-called Permian-Triassic mass extinction event was part of the Absaroka Megasequence.
--As massive tsunami-like wave-pulses associated with the Absaroka Megasequence crashed across the globe, the edges of the land would have been the first area inundated and destroyed.
And these same fossils would just as suddenly disappear as the water level continued to increase and reached a new ecological zone, creating the illusion of an extinction event.
ICR scientists also realize the so-called Permian-Triassic mass extinction event was part of the Absaroka Megasequence.
--As massive tsunami-like wave-pulses associated with the Absaroka Megasequence crashed across the globe, the edges of the land would have been the first area inundated and destroyed.
Coastal plants and soils would be affected first, altering the chemistry of the rocks being deposited in the oceans and elsewhere. And this is exactly what we find. Coastal plants and soils were in fact destroyed first."